

Things You Can’t Control

Next Class Coming Soon

When babies become toddlers, parents and caregivers face a whole new set of challenges. Those precious little ones are learning to see themselves as individuals, pushing limits, testing boundaries, and just generally exploring the world around them.

In those years, you have a lot to look forward to. And work your way through. Some of it you can control. And some of it, you can’t.

In this series of classes, we’ll help you get a better handle on, and provide some reassuring direction for, all the Things You Can’t Control. In these classes, Diana Schwab, our Kids Plus Developmental Consultant, takes a look at a whole host of topics relevant to toddlers and preschoolers: temper tantrums, toilet training, separation anxiety, cognitive learning styles, the impact of family changes, the impact of temperament on development, social skill building, and much more.

The first of this series, Toddlers and Tantrums, is designed to help you prepare for, deal with, and learn to handle the unique challenges of toddler/preschooler developmental patterns and behaviors. Diana will examine the whats and wherefores of toddler behavior, including tantrums, biting, general push-back (“Where is that sweet little infant who trusted me to know what was best for him/her?”), and why preschoolers seem fiercely driven to be the boss of the world (all these language skills and they’re still having tantrums?!).

Toddlers and Tantrums will review developmental concepts, address many common scenarios, answer your individual questions and concerns, and develop strategies to best address behaviors/issues/struggles that arise from your growing toddler and/or preschooler. In a relaxed, informal setting, you’ll review different parenting styles, useful sources of support for you and your family in and around the community, indicators that additional help might be useful, and much more.

Registration is $25 per person.

So everyone can focus on and learn from the material, the class is adults only.

Register for Our Upcoming Class

Coming Soon!

Our Instructor

Diana Schwab, M.Ed., MSW, who does amazing work as our Kids Plus Developmental Consultant, has been working with young children and families in a variety of settings (pediatric, community centers, private practice, day care, child care) for over 35 years. She believes that raising young children requires many opportunities for support, information, advice, and a healthy dose of empathy and commiseration among parents.

Praise for the Class

“Can’t thank Diana Schwab and Kids Plus enough for last night’s class… I left with something much better than just tips… a new way of thinking about my approach to parenting and looking at situations differently. It’s a mindset, not a procedure! I’ve always loved being able to call her up with any question, but this class was so helpful too! Thank you!” 

“My husband and I had a great time during this class. In fact, we’ve had multiple discussions on topics and ideas brought up during the evening. I went home with some great information that I am using already. Thank you for the class!”

“I found the class to be very informational. It shifted my thought process. Diana is a great educator who is funny, humble and engaging.”